Monday, May 17, 2010


To my family and friends,
I'm quite sorry for having been away so long from this space. There has been at least one person sick in the family for at least a month now, and at the moment three of us. I cannot wait for us all to be healthy again!
I must also confess that I have been feeling the need to be completely away from the computer. Not that I spend much time on the computer now, I try to be on only while the boys are asleep. I guess this is what is called a love/hate relationship (what I have with this machine), it is so great to be able to keep up with family and friends in this manner, yet I also feel it keeps me away from living in the moment, of accomplishing things that are tangible (and not merely thoughts floating on some invisible web). Ohhhhhh, I could go on and on. Do any of you ever feel this way? Also, I am waiting on a battery for my camera (hopefully I will receive it sometime this week). In the meantime, here are tide pooling pictures from last month. Hoping all of you are well. Peace and love. Anna


some of the booty, to be left at the beach

J with grandma


Sherry O said...

I hope you family gets well soon! My husband is up there for the fishing season. His boat is the Desperado. Love reading your blog!

busygnomes said...

I know how you feel, i love that my blog keeps a journal of our days, but it takes effort, it's like when I'm watching the children's play at school, I'm so tempted to video and take photo's but it does distract from the moment, so now I sit there without distraction, and hope that I can recall the memory when I'm 80!

The Net Loft said...

I know what you are saying, Anna, and I agree somewhat, and yet, I love reading your blog when I am so far away. I love seeing the boys, I love the stories and I love seeing your projects, for it makes me feel like you are not so far away, when I am so very far away. Hope everyone gets better soon, and thank you for taking the time ,when it is the right time, to send off a little glimpse into your world there. It brightens mine.