Tuesday, February 10, 2009

the most important meal of the day

This morning Eoghan suggested we have breakfast for all three of our meals. In the afternoon when I called him in from playing so that he could eat, our conversation went like this:

Me - Eoghan, come on in now for lunch.

Eoghan - Don't you mean breakfast?

Me - Oh yes, that's right come have your breakfast now.

Eoghan - Do you really think it's a good idea?

Me - Yes, absolutely!

Eoghan - Oh mama, this is fun!

Eoghan and Jonas really enjoyed their three breakfasts, I on the other hand don't want to even think of eating breakast food for at least a week. I know now why they call it the most important meal of the day. Even the smallest portions are filling. I must admit that it was a fun thing to try. And tomorrow...Lunch.

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