Wednesday, November 5, 2008

there is HOPE on the wind...

"...we are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek. "
-our President-elect Barack Obama

Jonas (16 months), picture taken by his brother Eoghan (7 years)

What a time we are living in...
I am filled with hope, for a better world
in which our children will live.


karen said...

gorgeous photo and inspiring quote. hi im karen, i found you at small wonders blog. i would love to come and have a cup of tea! (im a big tea lover)if it werent for the minor stretch of water between us (im in australia lol)

Potato said...

Hi Anna, thanks for the lovely comments on my blog, I am happy to read through yours- what beautiful boys you have! I answered your question in my comments section- I'm sure I'll be back here soon!

Anna said...

Thank you both for your nice words and for stopping by.

Karenjane, I like being barefoot as well. But alas, the snow covered ground in autumnal Alaska is not so kind on bare piggies.

Taimarie, thanks for the info on the pillow. I hope your baby feels better soon. Chicken soup wishes to you.
