Wednesday, October 22, 2008

stamp stories

We have just finished the last chapter book in the Poppy series, "Poppy's Return". The entire series was great. Our favorite character was Ereth, a lovable porcupine who makes up his own string of curse words (he is so funny). Well, he inspired some fun stamp stories. From here things progressed, and my kitchen table got quite chaotic right up until supper time. What are your chapter books inspiring? We would love to hear all about it.

YEAH (A very happy boy on Christmas.)

Oh, and by the way the stamps (hedgehog & bird on boy's head) came from, Thank you Magda, you have a lovely shop!


Craftpudding said...

Hello Anna!

This is so sweet, I love your little one's artwork. It is wonderful to see children imagination :)

You have a really nice blog and I was really happy to send these little stamps to Alaska. I always hear about how beautiful is up there.

Thanks again :)
Friendly regards,

Anonymous said...

Hi Anna-

what a wonderful post- I love stampin and books and not to mention the bowl of black olives on the rable- mmmmmm.

This series looks charming, I think I will have to order this one to start reading with the boys-thanks for the recommendation.

We have been reading Monarch stories- that go with Day of the Dead themes- my favorite is Ghost Wings, but sadly out of print- I did get another Picture Book called Uncle Monarch and the Day of the Dead- last night we found some monarch migration maps and printed them on fabric to go on our Day of the Dead memory bags- I love fall!

Thanks for inspiration- love the picture of the boys in matching jammies!

boatbaby said...

Your boys are precious! Thanks for the book suggestion. It will be a long winter aboard our boat, so we can use all the books we can get our eyes on.

Anna said...

Thank you everyone for your lovely comments. Boatbaby, I tried to visit your blog to leave you a thank you message, but I was not able to. So, thank you. Anna