Friday, December 17, 2010


Tonight E received his Bobcat badge, his first as a Cub Scout.

Oh, and after the "snowball" fight guess who else showed up at the pack meeting?

J was so excited; his little legs were pumping up and down like mad.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

someone new


Mittens Baby
So, we (the boys and I) have been wanting a kitty for a long time now, but pops always said no (absolutely not). I am sure this has to do with him not wanting to have to clean up after such kitty. sis in law arrived to stay with us through New Year and when she asked us if there was anything she could bring us, we asked her jokingly to bring us a kitty.
Well she arrived on the evening of the 6th (pops was not home yet), and I asked if she needed to get anything out of the car immediately. She says yes just a couple things, and so we go out. She asks me to get the package out of the front seat, and I ask if I should leave the towel over it (thinking it is something the boys are not to see just yet) when it moves and meows.
Oooohhh myyy...!!!
Um, I didn't know quite what to do. Actually, I was about ready to put the package back in the car, and leave home; but I ask, "Does your brother know?" And she says...Yes! He was the one who asked me to find her and bring her down. That man, I tell you; he is such a softie. I love him.
Her previous owners took her to a pound, and a cat rescue group got her out of there and placed her in a foster home; until my sis in law was interviewed about adopting her for us, and brought her here. It seems already, as if she has always been with us. We are all quite taken with her, even the softie.
Oh, and the name. Well, E wanted Mittens and J wanted Little Baby; and so she got a little sweetness from them both.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Friday, December 10, 2010


While on a trip to the "big city" last month we had to visit our favorite place, the Imaginarium. Which much to our delight we found had been relocated into the museum after its current expansion. It was at least quadruple the fun. We were there for two hours and it seemed like maybe only twenty minutes, and as a bonus it was all free, thanks to a grant from Fred Meyer called, "Free After 3 Thursdays". We will be sure to visit next time we are in town. If you are interested, you can visit here:

on the lift

he kept going back to this very cool machine

get the ball on there just right, and it will continue to spin

inside the giant bubble

pumping the wax lava

on the boat, his favorite

Sunday, November 28, 2010


A peek of somebody new in the Shop.
Oh, and speaking of shops, there is a baby naming contest going on here: The Net Loft , with a chance to win a skein of beautiful Three Irish Girls yarn.

autumn's first snowpeople

I love its hair and nose.
E showed his brother how to make a snowboy, and helped just a little.

Friday, November 26, 2010

el sol

It was so cold today, but... the sun was out! Oh I needed it so badly. It must have heard me calling it, to please come out.

And so our fun for the day was rock sliding on the frozen lake. Yep, who can skid it the farthest! Simple, but very fun. My arm should be good and stiff tonight. The boys and grandma had a good time, and there was only one slip and quick dip in the water, which resulted in a very soaked mitten; but pony boy dealt with it well, as he wanted to remain outside for as long as possible.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

go in...go out

I am writing this on the eve of Thanksgiving, and what has been one of the hardest days in my life as a mama; but just as minutes ago I have tucked in my boys, I am so very grateful for everything I have. For new experiences, feelings, and dreams going in...and going out of my life.

I realize it is not okay to live in a fantasy world of everything being lovely around me. I know I have to embrace and deal with challenges that seem to grow larger daily. I have to, because loving means it is going to be hard sometimes, and I have to love that too. I realize that I do not know why I am being presented with challenges, but I have to accept that it is all part of the Great Spirit's plan. I simply have to trust and love, and I am thankful for this to have finally sunk in. This giving in comes with benefits though; it means a weight has lifted off from inside me (as I hand it over to the One I trust in), it means new friendships, new plans, new dreams, and loving my family for everything that they are and ever will be. I hope that you, my family and friends are thankful for everything that you have as well.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

so big

Last night was his third night without his diapers. Hooray Jonas! He was so happy with himself.
And here he is going down the slide with no hands.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Someone I wouldn't want to get closer...
and closer.
A werewolf and Superman out for tricks or treats.
Superman became quite brave, after seeing that his brother the werewolf would dare get treats from the scariest house on the block.

A ride in the fire engine (the best thing about Halloween according to Superman);

and he just had to have a second ride, because nothing beats the front and the constant pulling of the horn.

Friday, October 29, 2010


Well, that's what I say, but Eoghan says, ", I love you!" He spent the day playing with his good friends, all of them wild, just like him.

And while I was dropping him off, we saw a wedge of swans flying overhead. Can you see them? They were up so high. They are the v, in the lower left hand corner.

Monday, October 18, 2010

at the end of September

Here they both were, hunting for whatever they could possibly find in the water at this late in the year.

Friday, October 8, 2010

At the end of summer...

Jonas helping me blow out my candles
brothers marooned
too much fun in the hammock granpa made here he comes to save the day

wandering in the sand dunes

the view from our ski hill hike

almost down (with the cousins) a lone loon on the bay