Tuesday, July 7, 2009

a wee garden

I am dedicating this week to all things small, if you feel inspired to join in, please do.

We subscribe to the magazine, "Living Crafts". You can find the magazine here: http://www.livingcrafts.com/. My first issue (also the magazine's premier issue) was given to me by my good friend Dotty in the winter of 2007/2008. She said she thought I would like it. Did I ever. It was right where I was, at that moment in my life, and still is.
It is by far my favorite magazine aside from "Mothering". There are four issues a year and they are ever so mindful of the rhythms of self, family, home, seasons, and our world. Within its beautiful pages are projects and inspiration for every person in the family. A great resource for my family, of Waldorf-inspired homeschoolers. I love it!

The latest issue contained an article titled, "Fairy Garden Party", with inspiration for making your own fairy garden (including furniture). Even though my boys are pretty certain that we have fairies that stop in for visits, our resident gnomes are the wee folk we cater to. Even though it was only myself who created our own small magical garden space, I find small treasures have been left in the wee garden from the boys. Hoping I am sure, that the gnomes will appreciate their small acts of kindness. I know I certainly do.

Please come in...

and take a seat.


Multiple personalities.. said...

Oh wow! This is awesome! And totally cute! We were thinking of doing terariums as a science project, but this looks way cooler! Thanks for sharing an awesome idea!

gardenmama said...

What a sweet gnome garden Anna!
Living Crafts and Mothering are two of my favorite magazines too! (although I have not read Living Crafts lately, I can never find it in our local bookstore!) I really should just subscribe... I love the furniture you made what a lovely garden to visit!