On most Monday nights, I say goodbye to my boys for a couple of hours and wander off to one of my favorite places to be. What can I compare it to? Well...it's like being surrounded by friends, hearing the light clinking of a hot teapot to cups, and having knitting in ones hands. Yes, that's it exactly.
If you are not familiar with Tasha Tudor and her work, you should take a peek at her site: http://www.tashatudorandfamily.com/ You can find the recipe for these yummy cookies there as well. The site was pointed out to me by my good friend Dotty, who is the owner of the sweetest and best handwork shop I know of. Thank you Dotty, I just wish you could have been there to taste and knit. I miss you very much.
Dearest Dotty, I just wanted you to know how very much it means to me when I come to your home.
Sounds like a great night - nothing better than good friends who share your passion - oh and fabulous cookies.
I am just back from our weekly knitting group in Borders and looking forward to the monthly knitting group at my favourite LYS on Saturday - double the fun this week!
Dearest Anna,
Just peeking at your site, which I love to do to catch a glimpse of your sweet boys and love filled home life, and so touched by your words, I am brought to tears.
It means so much to me to know the tea cups stay filled and that there are plates of yummy cookies and the sounds of life and laughter filling the rooms, even though I cannot be there. It means so very much to me...
Thank YOU for keeping the fires kindled there,
I love you,
Oh, bliss! What a lucky Mama you are to have a such a wonderful place to be with friends and knit!!!
I am a huge Tasha Tudor fan : ) I just did a recent tribute to her on my blog, the title of the post is called "1 is One" after her book...I will certainly have to try this recipe! yum!
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