Monday, February 16, 2009

handmade hearts

Eoghan's soapy water felting hands.
Whenever Valentine's day comes around, I always recall preparing valentines for my elementary school classmates. Sometimes they were the bought kind and sometimes they were the homemade variety (I enjoyed the latter far more, but always wondered if my classmates would like them). Can anyone else still feel the anxiety of the night before? What if, when I check my paper envelope on the side of my desk, there are no valentines? Or was I the only kid that felt this way?
Thank goodness Valentine's Day is no longer anything but sweet homemade goodness. I hope it is this way, for all of you as well.
Mending a bit of a knitted broken heart.
Part of a heart mobile for my boys.
(The heart pattern is from a wonderful book called, "Closely Knit" by Hannah Fettig.)


Di said...

I love all the little love hearts!! It looks like you had fun making them!

Anonymous said...

ahhh those are so sweet and lovely!

hope you had a wonderful valentines!

Anna said...

Di-We loved making them, and I love your knitted fruits and veggies.

Chris-Thanks, and I can't wait to visit your new site!