Friday, August 1, 2008

Salmonberries once more

I know, I know, salmonberries again, but we had such a good time today. It is prime picking time, and we got our first bunch of jewels. As one little guy who was picking with us would put it if he found a heavily laden bush, "It's a bingo bush". For those of you who are not familiar with them, they are just a bit similar to a raspberry, but not. They are sweet and sour, very juicy, red and golden, one berry looks as if it has about fifty teeny berries clustered together, and yes they are beautiful.
Every summer we get out the following book, "Alaska's Wild Plants". It is very well used. It roams from our truck, stroller, bags, and back to our nature table, as it waits to be used again. Just about every plant in this book is found in our area. If you would like more info, the book can be found in my LibraryThing, in the right hand margin of my blog. Salmonberries are included, as they should be, as I believe they are only native to Alaska. This book speaks of them ranging from Southeast to Southcentral Alaska and the Aleutians. It may be however, that they have traveled to coastal Canada. Does anybody know? Happy berry picking to all!

1 comment:

vintagechica said...

Anna, just wanted to stop by your blog to tell yo thank you for your kind words and insight. I agree with you whole heartedly.

Many blessings friend,
