Tuesday, August 16, 2011

rumbling and crackling

The bear is as close as it looks. I took the picture from an open car window, I was not about to even step out of the car.

The same bear, it was fishing; we loved watching.

My boys watching for calving, there was some great chunks that came off for us. There is a short video below; a regular sized chunk calving and the wave coming in to the shore from it.

our summer so far...

I have been ill with pneumonia this past week, and I feel miserable. Miserable not only because I don't feel well, but because it is gorgeous outside and I am stuck indoors thinking of everything I want to be doing. I want to go and pick berries for jam, I want to go for walks with my boys, I want to go on picnics, I want to go and spend time with friends knitting, I want to weed and clean my garden, I want to feel the sun and the warm breeze on my face (I know we only have weeks left here, and it may be rainy and cold tomorrow). Ugghh!

Alright, we have had fun though...