Friday, October 29, 2010


Well, that's what I say, but Eoghan says, ", I love you!" He spent the day playing with his good friends, all of them wild, just like him.

And while I was dropping him off, we saw a wedge of swans flying overhead. Can you see them? They were up so high. They are the v, in the lower left hand corner.

Monday, October 18, 2010

at the end of September

Here they both were, hunting for whatever they could possibly find in the water at this late in the year.

Friday, October 8, 2010

At the end of summer...

Jonas helping me blow out my candles
brothers marooned
too much fun in the hammock granpa made here he comes to save the day

wandering in the sand dunes

the view from our ski hill hike

almost down (with the cousins) a lone loon on the bay