When I was little I would listen to a record called
Cri Cri. There was a song on it that went...
En los libros hallaras, el tesoro del saber,
Para ti todo sera, si aprendes a leer...Which translates to:
In the books you'll find, the treasure of knowing,
For you everything will be, if you learn to read...
How lovely is that? I have always loved books. My mom used to read endlessly to me, and I don't actually remember learning to read; I just remember being able to read before I started school. My mom jokes, that I would still be calling her into the bathroom so that she could wipe, as I read novels on the toilet.
Hmmmm... well I still love books just as much. Our house is quite full of them, plus being a librarian we get first dibs at all the new books (not to mention access when the library is closed to the public), pretty good perks I think, as do the boys.
Well, I know I kind of rambled on a bit there, and all I really wanted to say was that I remembered that sweet song about books. We have been very under the weather here for over two weeks. First Jonas with his teething, then my big boys with sinus infections and
tonsillitis, and now me. It is so very miserable, but we have had a lot of time for reading, here are some that we have been enjoying...
For our window birdwatching, this is a great reference book. Not only are the pictures and
descriptions good, but the bird calls are especially helpful.
A good adventure book.
Eoghan is addicted to
Moomins, he wanted to start this over as soon as we finished it (this happened with the last
Moomin book as well). I would say seven and up for this series.
We just have to know everything about
Moomins. In case you were wondering, they are trolls (but not the ugly hairy kind that come out at night),
Moomins are smooth, have tails, and love sunshine. They live in the Finnish forests.
And this book is a favorite now when Spring arrives, all about the innocent adventures of Tiptoes Lightly,
Pinecone and
Pepperpot, and other sweet characters.
I have been enjoying the knitting from this book:
Homespun Handknit , an oldie but a
goodie for hats.
Oh, and since it's National Poetry Month, this is one of our favorites...