Monday, August 31, 2009

30 Days of Happiness: Day 7

Enjoying my mom's Livingston Daisies, which will only open in full sunshine. Don't they look as if they belong in a fantasy world?

Sunday, August 30, 2009

30 Days of Happiness: Day 6

Loving the sweet, sweet sun, and my boy's beautiful chalk art.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

30 Days of Happiness: Day 5

A joyous evening walk to the docks, in salty warm air. A much needed reprieve from the seemingly unending rain.

Friday, August 28, 2009

30 Days of Happiness: Day 4

Happiness today, is a cheesecloth bundle...

of wild blueberry leaves. A bundle, with the ability to nudge white silk, into becoming...

indoor sunshine.

Sunshine, this grouchy little duende so desperately needs.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

30 Days of Happiness: Day 3

Crossing a bridge can come at the beginning, at the end, or right smack in the middle of a grand adventure. Often the most challenging will lead to the happiest moments.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

30 Days of Happiness: Day 2

Happiness, is seeing my two sweeties share the love of an indoor soft house (with a lantern of course), on such a cold drizzly day.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

30 Days of Happiness: Day 1

Amidst one of our favorite wooded spots:
E netted sticklebacks, J fell and stomped in streams, and as I collected blueberry leaves, I happened upon these beauties enjoying each others company.

Though we are happy as we go about our own tasks,
our happiness is increasingly brighter,
knowing that a friend is nearby.

Upon visiting Erin's blog (Bluebirdbaby) today. I was inspired to come along on her "30 Days of Happiness". Celebrating joy, peace, happiness, and a deep appreciation for everything in life.

Her blog is full of sweetness and inspiration, and this challenge came along with great timing. I have been feeling so very blue, and the constant rain falling on the roof is not helping out in the least bit. And so...

...focusing in on the positive forces and gifts in my life right now, just might take me into the sunshine.

Monday, August 24, 2009

life learning

On Saturday evening my boys took me blueberry picking for my birthday. It was great, even though the bugs got pretty bad, as the wind was still. We were able to pick enough to munch, and for at least one batch of muffins (which is what went on today).

As the boys were helping, as they most always do, it was quite a production. Finally, they were ready for the oven. E set the timer, but just to satisfy himself that our timer's time keeping is accurate, he did some timing of his own. He took his "minute" glass, and every time it was flipped, he jotted down the minute he was on.
The results: our timer's time keeping passed inspection, our wild blueberry muffins were browned to perfection, and E is very pleased about his baking and math skills... learning is ever so delicious.

J couldn't resist showing off his blue tongue as well (though a blurry picture, as 2 year old boys shouldn't know what holding still means).

Friday, August 21, 2009

round a fishing hole...

...the only thing that was caught this day was adventure, beauty, and love.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Monday, August 17, 2009

2 week check-out

2 week check-out: our library summer reading

Continuing with our library summer reading...

I was thinking as we were finishing up some library reading and listening (audio books), whether I would share something we read even if it was not an instant favorite. I figured I would share them all, as we all have different likes and dislikes, so... here is to hoping that you will find a new (or old) favorite. Peace and love to you.

E gave this classic chapter book 4 thumbs way up (this being his thumbs and his big toes). He loved that she did not put up with people who put her down, that she was so independent, her love of messes, her horse on the porch, the fact that she did not attend school, and all her crazy shenanigans, oh and that she was a "thing finder" ("Just like me!", he said.)

E liked this chapter book, although we all did not like the fact that most of the characters in this book were so judgemental. We agreed that people need not "fit in" to be happy, and that everyone should be treated with respect. However we love Dick King-Smith books, and E gave this 4 thumbs up as well.

A sweet book with a fairy tale feel.

E loved that the bear did not have to follow bicycle etiquette, and that he was not that great on his bike (as he is the same).

E still loves the sweetness in this book, and J delights to see himself in these babies.

For my listening, I continued with the Hamish Macbeth mystery series. This has been one of the best, a very fun small town read. This is book #12.

Friday, August 14, 2009

handwork and the big 25

My Rain Babies and Forest Play Silks on their way to the sweetest and best handwork shop I know of, The Net Loft, which is owned by my dearest friend Dotty Widmann. There is an advertisement for the shop that is run on a local radio station, in which the shop is described by the following quote from Dorothy's character in the movie The Wizard of Oz: "We must be over the rainbow!" No six words could describe it better. It is a place where one can find comfort, inspiration, knowledge, and friendship.

This past Wednesday was a special night at The Net Loft as it is celebrating its 25th anniversary. Dotty introduced all her new spectacular yarns, which were custom dyed using the gorgeous natural surroundings of the area as the inspiration. There was a yarn tasting, in which anyone wanting to participate could make a Sampler Bracelet in order to get a "taste" and feel of these heavenly yarns. They were all delicious to knit with, but if I had to pick a favorite it would be Woolie Silk by Fleece Artist in the color, Fireweed . Dotty had also arranged to have a sweet lady (who was so gentle and soothing with her touch) available for pedicures, so that anyone in need of extra pampering (how could we possibly handle more?) would be sure to receive it. Not to mention all the giveaways. Dearest Dotty, you give so much...I love you.

Do you see the color Fireweed? It is the yarn on the very top of the bracelet.
Two Rain Babies being lovied up by their new mamas.
My Rain Babies and the Forest Play Silks are available at The Net Loft , and I am so happy to say that they will soon be available at my Etsy Shop: WindstingArts. My goal is to have the opening on September 1st. However, I will announce the official date for the opening here.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

What Jonas saw...

okay, what Jonas climbed (no climbing on the exhibts was allowed). But how could a little person resist climbing on a giant squid?

Finally, something he could touch (but only with two fingers). What? We can pick these guys up at home, and two fingers was so hard to do. Well, he had a whirlwind time anyway, despite the restrictions.