Sunday, April 19, 2009

Turn-off week

Even if it isn't the start of the week for you, check this out:

Have a great week!

Henry and Spring's arrival

This is Henry. Henry would be happy to live in a time and place, where shoes are not only not needed, but do not exist. He likes to rise with the sun every morning, even if it comes up at 5 a.m. (his parents are thinking of heavy drapes for his room). He has jars upon jars of marbles that he keeps between his books, on his reading shelves. Whenever he feels sad, Henry will take down a jar, so that he may stick in a hand. He has never run a comb through his hair his entire life (he is seven), nor have his parents. Henry's hair is very fine and everyone loves the way his hair becomes frizzy, after a nights sleep. He could play in his favorite stream all day, no matter what the weather is. He loves to build dams in this particular stream, and then come around the following day to see if they have held up. If they haven't he may rebuild in a different spot, if they have he will poke at them until they wash away, and then rebuild in a different spot anyway. Whenever he visits the ice cream shop, he likes to taste at least three flavors on the little spoons, and then will always pick strawberry in the end. Henry likes to hold hands on walks (his mom is so very grateful for this).

It seems that maybe Spring has finally come for us. The rain is falling steadily outside, working away the many layers of snow.

Henry can hardly wait until I give the go ahead, for him to run around outside barefoot and without long pants. His only complaint...his freckles will rapidly multiply upon his sweet sunkissed face.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

the outcome

Jonas hunting eggs inside...

Eoghan hunting eggs outside...

a basketful of hunted eggs...

...the outcome of too many egg hunts.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

a colorful peek

A colorful peek into our CSA box. A bit of organic goodness that we look forward to, every other week. When it arrives, it is like opening up a present.

Cuddling up, after an afternoon spent outside with friends, in the bright sunny snow.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

too much brown

For my weekend knitting I made a pair of socks using the Comfy Socks pattern (which you can find here: ), for a belated birthday gift. It was so nice being able to finish an adult sized project so fast! And even though they were knit with a very pretty heather brown, a favorite color of mine, some orange was needed in the end.

As Jonas decided that he did not want to see how the big socks fit him, Baba was more than willing. Jonas however, didn't like that idea either.

Friday, April 3, 2009

orange you glad

Knock. Knock.
Who's there?

Banana who?

Banana who?

Banana who?

Banana who?

Orange who?
Orange you glad I didn't say banana!

Eoghan first heard this one in his Waldorf based preschool (we are so lucky he was able to attend this school while it existed, with such a sweet teacher), he has loved this joke ever since. We hope you like it too.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

bit of orange

Following is our play dough recipe that has been requested. We have tried many, but this is the only one we make. We find that if it is kept in a Ziploc bag, it continues to feel really good in your hands for at least two months.

Eoghan requested we make a fresh batch, as the play dough we had was from December. It was great fun, as he made it on his own for the first time (under supervision of course)...and the bit of orange he mixed up made me feel very happy.

1 c. flour
1/2 c. salt
2 t. cream of tartar
1 c. water
1 T. cooking oil
food coloring
extract, if you choose to add it (we enjoy peppermint in the winter)

In a saucepan, mix the dry ingredients. Add the water and the oil. Turn on the stove top to medium heat and stir until combined. Add the food coloring and extract, and cook for three minutes (or until mixture pulls away from the sides of pan). Take the saucepan off heat and turn the play dough onto a surface to knead (be careful as it will be very hot for the first few minutes). Oh, and most importantly...have fun!