Sunday, December 28, 2008

I'm dreaming of a white...


I hope yours was as white and peaceful as ours. The day after, Eoghan and Jonas had fun being pulled on a long, cold sled ride. When we arrived home, to warm himself up, Eoghan did some sledding on his own.

Winter Solstice Sorbet

Here's to, dreaming up yummy names for new ice cream flavors.

Friends and family we have heard from lately are anticipating the return of the light. I must say, they have nothing on us!!! Where our 4-5 hours of light daily (if it isn't cloudy or raining or snowing) is oh so precious.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Wanted: Birds for counting

After Tuesday's inspiring evening presentation (a photographic review of our wintering birds), given by our local Audubon Society, O and I prepared to join in on the annual Audubon winter Christmas bird count (to be held Saturday). We were going to participate as feeder watchers, as we have continuous feathered visitors dropping by our yard for nibbles as long as it is light out.
And so, we thought it best to add some mouth watering treats no bird could resist. The count for the day...5! As for what kind of birds they were...? The five stayed for such a short bite that we had some guesses, but we were so unsure that we could not even call in for a report.
I am sure that if we would like to do so, we could film a sequel to, "The Birds"...tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A soft house and...

The weather here has been nice, but with that sunshine, comes some very chilly weather. So what have we been up to? Building and baking of course. Eoghan's soft house covered the entire living room. Our living room is quite small, but still, the house was large (and fun)!

As for the baking, tomorrow is our Historical Society's annual cookie exchange. Papa is baking tonight! Tomorrow afternoon, mama's turn.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

A perigee moon

Who knows what dwells in the forest during a full moon.

We ventured out into the woods Saturday night, as we heard the owls were out. We listened hearing nothing, but after a few very scary owl call attempts we had a Great Horned as our partner in crime.
For the rest of the night we were struck with the beauty of our moon. Did you notice that it seemed larger? Apparently it was the biggest full Moon of 2008, as much as 14% wider and 30% brighter than lesser Moons we've seen earlier this year. According to our science center friend it is what astronomers would call a "perigee Moon" because it occurs at perigee, (when the moon is closest to Earth in its elliptical orbit).

Its off to bed moon, or the sun will catch you soon.

I love the thought that as were are waking up, families elsewhere are in their jammies singing their children to sleep. Imagine hearing all those soothing voices.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Giving 2

Here is the second set, ready to be shipped out from our snowy woods and lovied up by new hands. Just leave your name with a comment here, by 8 p.m. (Alaska time) this Wednesday. Wishing you all, sugared snowy days to come.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Playdough family surprise

This being the second family O has made. The only bit of help from me, was to stir the dough when it got a bit too hard and sticky. The first family went to a sweet friend who had a 7th birthday this past week, she was happy to find out that he made the wooden people to resemble her family. This set will go in the mail to a best cousin for Christmas. O is hoping she will be surprised.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


We have found that the less toys our boys have around, the more they play with what they have. The more they enjoy them as well.

The boys have had these sweet wooden vehicles (from Germany) for some time now, and they have not been played with very much. The other day Eoghan and I talked about Christmas and the spirit of giving swirling about during this season, and we decided to cut the vehicle collection in half. The moment I got them out so that they could be divided up, the playing commenced with what remained.

And so, we would love to send some of these out as gifts to old or new friends. We will be having two drawings. The first of which is for the wheels, in the picture below. Just leave your name with a comment before 8 p.m. (Alaska time) this Wednesday evening. I hope you are having a wonderful holiday season.

Friday, December 5, 2008

A countdown

I have come across all sorts of Advent calendars, and I really just have not been interested in any of them. However...we have had the following book in our collection for some time now, and within its wonderful pages...the perfect Advent calendar to make! It has been with us all along, just waiting.
How we are counting down: This last Saturday we cut out 21 small golden foil stars and 4 large. We placed the stars in a small bowl (these representing the days left until Christmas) on our nature table, where we have our nativity set out. Every evening Eoghan lays a small star on the table, the large stars are to be laid out on Sundays. All these together will form a path towards the important person who is coming.
A wonderful book for observing family festivals
and establishing a year round rhythm
in a simple, gentle, and creative way.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

mittens for a snow girl?

Eoghan has been enjoying making snow people, this is his second of the season. She is pretty sweet isn't she? Her leaf pony tail really accentuates her looks. I will be anticipating all the others yet to be created, as I have a feeling the snow we have been given will continue to come. As for her mitts...well snow girls get cold too. Actually these mitts are going to be on their way to a brand new snow girl, we are eagerly awaiting to hear of her entry into the world.