Wednesday, October 22, 2008

stamp stories

We have just finished the last chapter book in the Poppy series, "Poppy's Return". The entire series was great. Our favorite character was Ereth, a lovable porcupine who makes up his own string of curse words (he is so funny). Well, he inspired some fun stamp stories. From here things progressed, and my kitchen table got quite chaotic right up until supper time. What are your chapter books inspiring? We would love to hear all about it.

YEAH (A very happy boy on Christmas.)

Oh, and by the way the stamps (hedgehog & bird on boy's head) came from, Thank you Magda, you have a lovely shop!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Celebrating Autumn Part II

we all participated in a fun game of helicopter catch

a lovely ride home

and as the boys were brushing their teeth,

Solin (our summer fairy) left the boys departing gifts under their pillows:

cozy pajamas to keep them warm, until her return home on her friend the robin

Celebrating Autumn

On the day before the official first of Autumn we headed out for a chilly picnic. It was raining in town, but we figured if we got out of the bowl of mountains that surrounds the town it would be a different picture. It truly was. It was chilly, but the sun was out and it seemed as if we had just woke from a long, rainy nap. It was just what we needed, a crisp breath of fresh air.

a wee walk in the woods

a square toothy grin


on his own

lessons in smoring

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

splashing autumn in

Jonas has discovered with joy,
that not only can one can splash in the bathtub,
but outside as well. Yes!!!

Jonas really gets into this finger play.
He "ooooooo's" his own version, sways his head,
and makes a very sad/serious face.
Autumn leaves are falling down.
They make a soft bed on the ground.
Then "whooooosh" the wind comes whistling by,
And sends them dancing to the sky.